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Y.E.S. Programs


“ Pursuit of Excellence: A Challenge to Fulfill"


The National Program constitutes the activity center of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated. Throughout previous decades the program has evolved into the current Youth, Education, and Service (Y.E.S.) initiative.

Youth Component

School Kids

Chapters are committed to sponsoring a variety of community activities that will enable and inspire the youth to attain high ethical, educational, moral, and social standards.  Students receive  life skills support, academic assistance, test-taking procedures, study skills, tutoring, cultural enrichment and socialization training.  


Chapters with a KOT are committed to offering a variety of experiences that will enable the college guidance group to become competent, dedicated and effective educators.  


The chapter provides guidance, career counseling, community service opportunities, educational advice and training in leadership skills for female college students.  All interested candidates must display good moral character and maintain a “C+” grade point average or better.

The Youth Component Consists of:

XINOS is a guidance group for female youth in grades 9 through 12.

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KUDOS is a guidance group for male youth in grades 9 through 12.

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is a college guidance group for females pursuing a degree in education.



They are the mothers, fathers, guardians, and other relatives of the Xinos and Kudos who volunteer to assist sorority members with the supervision and implementation of the Xinos and Kudos activities.

Education Component

Happy Family

Brief introduction of Education Component...


NSPDK, INC. awards a $6,000 scholarship to a male and a female graduating senior in each of the five regions (East, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and Far West). Annually, the Sorority presents over $100,000 in scholarships inclusive of those awarded by regions and chapters, including Kappa Omicron Tau members may apply for a $1,000 and sorority members matriculating in an accredited doctoral program are eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship awarded by the Perpetual Scholarship Foundation.


It is designed to acquaint teachers, parents, students and the community with various aspects and issues in education. A Teach-A-Rama may be presented in the form of an educational forum, workshops, seminars, lectures, courses, etc.


The umbrella of Literacy includes academic skills centers that supplement classroom work by providing opportunities to enhance proficiency in such areas as reading, math, language arts, science, social studies, technology and African American History.

Early Childhood Education

It focuses on the provisions of meaningful learning experiences for pre-school children that will improve their readiness for school and subsequent scholastic achievement.

Commission on Civil Rights and Education

The commission focuses on the provisions of meaningful learning experiences for pre-school children that will improve their readiness for school and subsequent scholastic achievement.

Professional Development and Leadership Training

It focuses on educational and sororal leadership training to meet the goals of the Sorority, administrative roles of committee members and officers; members’ roles, and all components of the Y.E.S. Program.

Perpetual Scholarship Foundation

Lisa M Frieson perpetual scholarship foundation.png

The Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Incorporated was established as a non-profit educational tax-exempt 501(C)(3) foundation, which exists as a subsidiary under the umbrella of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated.  It is managed by a 24-member Board of Directors, fifteen of whom three are elected from each of the five regions.


President, Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Incorporated

Service Component

Happy Family

Brief introduction of Service Component...

Brief introduction of service component...

International Project

Financial and programmatic assistance to Third World countries has been a focus of the Sorority. Over the past 30 years, NSPDK, Inc, has had an ongoing strategic partnership with AFRICARE to reach and support the people on the African continent. Chapters are mandated to make a contribution to the International Project fund, annually.

National Project

NSPDK, Inc. donates $10,000 to fund the Sickle Cell Anemia research at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Chapters are mandated to make a contribution to the National Project

fund, annually.

Health, Hypertension, and Nutrition

It provides a channel through which children and adults learn preventive health measures and viable strategies for addressing a wide variety of health issues that confront society.

Healthy Meal
Children and
Adult Benefits

The benefits encompass the sponsorship of a variety of activities and projects that bring joy and enlightenment to children and adults in their specific communities.

Moving In
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